The Earth: Nothing about her without her

Sara Wright
4 min readApr 22, 2020

I’ve had the honor recently to work more closely with members of the Colorado Cross Disability Coalition. Their motto is “Nothing about us without us.” Any legislation affecting people with disabilities should include input from people with disabilities.

Photo by Nina Grębowska from Pexels

On Earth Day, I share one of the most powerful ways I know for any of us to help the planet now: As we try to solve our problems and address climate change and other destruction we’ve wreaked on the environment, let’s ask Nature Intelligence how.

I do this amazing check-in in the mornings with all my soil-less garden teams. From the old Wiccan term “Raising a cone of Power,” they are four-point conings that include a balance between Nature Intelligence (Devas and Pan) and Spirit: Highly evolved souls that support the Earth and my own Higher Self. I have soil-less garden coining teams for my work, for my writing, for cleaning and maintaining our home, and a gut garden (a co-creative garden with actual soil) for our garden and yard. You set the goals, and Nature, the master of form, helps you with how. You can learn more about co-creative gardens and soil-less gardening here. (Honestly, this is one of the best ways any of us can help the planet now.)

Most mornings, I meet with Nature/Spirit teams to tell them what I’ve got going and what’s coming up and see if they have any suggestions. Today, my teams suggested that I start my day with first writing, then music, and then I take the rest of my day on my own schedule, until my first meeting at 2:45. I will devote time to work. I will meet my responsibilities. Yet a gift stretched out before me where I could garden a bit too, do what I feel like doing. I revel in unstructured time like I would eating chocolate mouse with a friend on a peaceful afternoon. When I can flow, my mind and heart unfurl.

The first bird starts to tweet promptly at 5:30 a.m., the sky light blue just at the rims. Those flying ones cannot contain their wild enthusiasm at springtime. And we, holed up in our houses, are slow to notice. When I did garden on Sunday I kind of felt this “Finally!” energy. Because snow still covered much of the ground I hadn’t realized the thick soil calling out for attention!

Nature doesn’t have a bullhorn, but sometimes I do sense her strongly. She snuck up on me on Sunday when I checked in with my gut garden and suddenly was downloading the planting schedule for the next 6 weeks starting that very afternoon. Winter and Stay-At-Home orders had made me thick, I guess.

Today, I was also shown that personal transformation takes 1/3 of my time

Image courtesy of the American Heart Association:

right now — and needs to all through the summer, even with my daughter home and work events and a rich, full life. Thankfully, much of what’s needed is already worked into my schedule: meditation, prayer, dance, yin yoga, time to breathe and to be. The thing is, taking this time is so nourishing and helpful to the rest of my life that it boosts rather than limits my productivity. And, if I stay happy and in the light, my presence helps others too.

Massive changes and growth for all humanity right now. Quite honestly, shifting is our job. We need action on climate change, real action, and what else can help us offer that than to become stewards of not only our planet, but ourselves and our brothers and sisters. We’re opening to the beating heart of the universe, nothing less than the full range of our wholeness as sons and daughters of God. And we’re needed now, in that full capacity, to help all humanity awaken in time to save the Earth and all life from extinction.

We can have heaven on Earth. In fact, it’s our destiny. We came here for that purpose, to each awaken and, like the prodigal son, head home ASAP, into the arms of our Source, pure Truth-Love.

Happy Earth Day! Only a few seconds ago, I saw the date and realized that Nature/Spirit has given me, through our partnership, this day as a holiday in a sense. In the flow, I can celebrate, honor, and connect with all life and the Earth, awakening into the Aquarian era of oneness, teamwork, cooperation with our planet.

When we learn to listen to Nature, we shall not dictate human-based (read: unintended consequences) solutions onto our planet. As co-creative partners with Nature Intelligence, we can discover a way forward together. Thank you, Nature and Spirit, for this amazing opportunity to part of the change we wish to see. And for always helping me rediscover the balance I most need.

Here’s that link to learn more about co-creative partnerships with Nature.

